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Ian Feber Ltd

07767 673006

It isn't creative

if it doesn't sell

Marketing Strategy & Planning


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The key to getting more customers is in understanding why they might want what you sell - then developing a series of repeatable sales processes to make sure you optimise the opportunities.

Work out what to do first - then do it.

We help you do the simple stuff, well.

CRM & Customer Journey Planning


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Many businesses make the mistake of thinking someone who buys once is now a customer.

Wrong: they're just a buyer. Only by planning and executing a series of customer journeys, can you change their behaviour into profit for your business.

We show you how.

Copy & Messaging Consultancy


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"Advertising/direct mail/email/online marketing doesn't work for us" Delete as appropriate.

Our "Copy Doctor" service can tell you why. And more importantly, how to fix it.

So you stop spending money unnecessarily - and start generating cost-effective sales.